Seamless integration.

Encyrcle connects with your EMR/CMR system to automatically start the alumni workflow journey.

Connect and go.

Seamless transition
Avoid repetition and manual effort by integrating directly into Encyrcle's API. Discharges are automatically pulled in and start workflows allowing you to focus on the alumni that need you the most.
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Integration Partners


Contact our Integration team for more info.

Chat with our team
Do you have an open API?

Yes, we offer an open API so you can seamlessly integrate with our system. You can access a full list of our endpoints at here.

Can we pull information into our CRM/EMR?

Yes, we can integrate bilaterally with your CRM/EMR as well. Our bilateral integration documentation can be found here.

Do I need a developer?

No. Our team will integrate Encyrcle with your system if you do not have a developer available.

Can I add alumni manually?

Absolutely! We can automate as much of the process as you'd like, but you can always add alumni to the system manually.

What exactly can you automate?

We automate the connection between your CRM/EMR and our Encyrcle web app. Discharges are automatically pulled into our system to begin their workflow journey. Start interacting with them right away through SMS.

We can also push data like risk level, conversation history and  back into your CRM/EMR system